Visitors Bible Session

Would you like to know more about Southside and the beauty of our fellowship? Sign up for a private Visitor’s Bible Session and get a captivating lesson on the joy of following Jesus Christ. We have a faithful team that is ready and willing to give you our Visitor’s Session at your most convenient time. We are always excited to share what Jesus is doing in our lives and for the church. Contact us below for a bible study and we will be in touch. Please join us for worship and attend our regularly scheduled bible classes on Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evenings. Click on link to join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone:
Wednesday Bible Classes 
Dial in #: (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 995 4302 2150
Password: 700819
Dial In #: (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 850 2748 0791
Password: 460984