What Must I Do to be Saved?
Deciding to become a child of God is the greatest decision that a person can make. The Bible declares that the angels rejoice in heaven every time a soul repents (Luke 15:7). So, just how does one become saved? Are there words that must be recited? Can one just ask Jesus to come into their hearts? Upon reading the original teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, as recorded in the New Testament, here is what 1st century Christians were actually taught:
HEAR – Romans 10:17
Before a candidate can become a Christian, they must first observe the facts of the gospel truth by listening. This truth is the core of the Christian system of faith. Therefore, if he is not humble enough to listen, he cannot learn or gain faith. Thus, he remains lost.
BELIEVE – John 8:24
Candidates must then believe in Jesus Christ as the risen Savior. They must believe in His incarnation and His resurrection. They must believe in His Lordship enough to act upon the professed faith of Christ. Embracing the Lordship of Christ means believing what He said as well as believing who HE is. Until one expresses belief in what Christ taught concerning the “saved”, that individual has not surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. Thus, it is a dead faith.
REPENT – 2 Peter 3:9
The Apostle Paul proclaims that all of us are guilty of sin (Romans 3:23). In order for a candidate to be accepted by God, they must acknowledge that they have sinned in this life and are thus in need of a Savior. If one refuses to acknowledge their wrongs in life, they will remain lost.
CONFESS – Matthew 10:32-33
Jesus lets all believers know that they must not be ashamed to confess Him as Lord. If we are ashamed of Him on earth, then, He will be ashamed of us at the judgement. Thus, to refuse to confess Jesus, is but to remain lost.
BE BAPTIZED – Acts 2:38-41
A candidate cannot be cleansed of his sin until he is immersed in water. The burial in water symbolizes the death of the old man and birth of the new. To forbid water is to forbid a soul to be saved. It is also important to remember that what a person is taught, will determine the sanctity of their baptism (Acts 19:1-3). A candidate must be sure he is taught the original New Testament message of Jesus Christ as taught by the Apostles.