Our History

The Lord’s work at the Southside congregation began in late 1973 under the leadership of Bro. Charles Webb at 3808 South Angeline Street with approximately 35 members. Worship was held at this location until the move in 1975 to 3518 South Edmunds Street. To secure this property it required a labor of love by all of the faithful members of the congregation. The influence of Bro. Charles Webb and Bro. Briset Orange was instrumental as they encouraged the church to support the purchase of the building.
Many faithful Christians worked to help make the Lord’s work at Southside a success that included the Daley’s, Dolton’s, Drake’s, Jackson’s, Jones’, McBroom’s, McCoy’s, Moland’s, Orange’s, Ramey’s, Ray’s, Roy’s, Tennel’s, Tolbert’s, Webb’s and White’s to name a few.
From 1975 to 1980 the building experienced many improvements with the help of the membership under the leadership of Bro. Charles R. Webb. Brother and Sister Webb labored with the Southside congregation until his retirement in 1987.
ollowing Bro. Webb’s retirement in 1987, Bro. William H. Harper began his work with the congregation. Bro. Harper’s efforts to focus on evangelism, leadership development and encouragement was instrumental in the growth of the church. Sister Harper was also very influential in the development of the Women’s Ministries at Southside.

On February 25, 1989, a planning and organizing meeting was held to review the leadership, activities, programs and future plans of the congregation. The basis of much of the progress of the congregation was established at that meeting. Bro. William Harper served the Southside congregation for 25 years until his retirement on December 31, 2012.

Bro. Samuel E. Garner accepted the position as Southside’s ministering evangelist on December 7, 2014. Bro. Garner went to work by aggressively targeting Evangelism and Church Administration, along with bringing powerful messages each Sunday. During his inception, the congregation saw its largest number of conversions in the shortest time frame. He furthered leadership, evangelism, marriage and sisterhood training to better prepare the church for the challenges of the 21st century. He also launched an evangelistic media campaign to reach more citizens of Seattle for Christ. Bro. Garner served the congregation until July 31, 2016.

As the congregation grew, the search was underway to find property in order to construct a larger facility. Certain members were instrumental in the initial stages and throughout the construction process: Robert White (Permits), Herman Snoddy (Building Coordination/Construction), Nathaniel Whitlock (Building Coordination/ Construction and Finance), Odell Gilbreath (Building Construction Consultant). The leadership team served on working with the architect to develop the design of the building. Members of the congregation served on various committees to determine the details of the building layout.

On February 10, 2007 the ground breaking was celebrated at 12200 59th Avenue South in Seattle, Washington. Several members came out to celebrate this event, including the building contractors and King County Councilman, Larry Gossett.
Although several outstanding projects were still under construction, the congregation was able to occupy and hold their first worship service in the building on December 20, 2009.

The Southside congregation is truly blessed today to be in the Bryn-Mawr-Skyway area since 2011. The congregation has been extremely blessed to have been under a formal leadership or 30 plus many years. Brothers Herman Snoddy, E.H. Baker, Olabamiji Idowu, and Ken McCoy have served as Elders for many years. Only recently due to death, the Eldership was dissolved. We are thankful to the faithfulness of the Eldership. Under their leadership, several of Southside’s men developed preaching and ministerial responsibilities, such as Bro. Tresvan O’Neal who instrumental in the Education Department, Youth Ministry, A/V and IT services and also served as a Deacon for approximately seven years. Today Bro. O’Neal is the Minister of the Tacoma Church of Christ.

As a home grown product of the Church of Christ Southside Congregation, Bro. Whitlock was spiritually mentored by many godly men. He joyfully served the congregation in many different ministerial roles in and around the church for 33 years including Men’s Ministry, Bible Class Teacher, Trustee Board member and Preaching the Word of God. On December 17, 2017 Bro. Nathaniel Whitlock Sr. was ordained as a Minister and was installed as Associate Minister. He served the Southside congregation as Associate Minister for five and a half years. Brother Whitlock as of May 2023 is now the Minister of the Madison Park Church of Christ in Seattle, WA.

Brother Kenney & Rene’ Johnson placed membership in 2016 as a homecoming for them. Brother and Sister Johnson started their 31-year journey at Southside in 1991 before relocating to Portland, Oregon and eventually Sacramento, California. Brother Johnson has worked to stabilize the pulpit ministry, as well as marriage, evangelism, and working with the young adults. In 2018, one of Brother Johnson’s first campaigns he ushered in was a Young Adults Conference that brought droves of young adults from all over the West Coast including Sacramento, Los-Angeles, San Francisco/Oakland, and Portland. Brother Johnson is extremely passionate and optimistic about the future of the Lord’s body and the work at Southside. He is tasked to lead the congregation through transition and succession planning so that Southside will remain relevant for another 50 years and more…